
Player Analysis for League - LADIES DIVISION 2 Base Points 1300

54 Players have played in this league so far this season
Player Matches Played Start of Season Points Current Points Gain/Loss
Melanie Adcock (12000)230002850-150
Bettina Harvey (1467)930002835-165
Lesley Johnson (852)1425672742175
Sheena Quinn (2095)230002740-260
Vicky Brickwood (2591)1130002690-310
Jenny Hodges (13159)929852675-310
Liz Walker (871)122546263185
Lizzy Flavell (12107)630002610-390
Jessika Housiaux (11890)229202590-330
Tina-Marie Parkin (11888)330202590-430
Step Merry (2423)1130202495-525
Jessica Warman (3565)1520332473440
Rochelle Penrose (11886)1520472432385
Karen Ollive (851)1021552340185
Binky Hallett (873)1023532273-80
Sarah Lippett (4026)1319152165250
Nicola Plewes (12816)819772152175
Carol Riley (2545)219262126200
Caroline Sutton (3833)2023702120-250
Lois Hutchinson (849)171983203855
Selina Russell (2542)815371932395
Fiona Fox (4258)117191669-50
ANNE-MARIE PERRY (2211)614351630195
Becca B Randall (12053)714771467-10
Caroline Hartley (3566)414701460-10
Jenny Hipsey (3563)1142514250
Katie Preston (13800)21329135930
Louisa Knight (1865)2121112110